The Legend of Heroes Character Sorter

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Sorter for Kiseki/Trails characters. Currently in beta version.

Click on the character you like better from the two, or tie them if you like them equally or don't know them (not recommended for the best results).

Categories are based on the character pages on the official Falcom site and aren't super accurate.

If you have any suggestions, you can find me on discord (shizuna_rem_misurugi)

Keyboard controls during sorting:

H (pick left) | J (undo) | K (tie) | L (pick right) | S (save progress)

Before sorting:

S/Enter (start sorting) | L (load progress)

1/2/3 always correspond to the first/second/third buttons.

Current Version: 0.9.5 (24/08/30)

First Published: Aug 1, 2023

Originally inspired by this site | Legend of Heroes by Falcom